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Tongue-Tie Treatment
At Hyalite Family Dentistry we take a symptoms based approach to tongue and lip tie treatment. Dr. Smith has undergone extensive training and certification with the nationally renowned Alabama Tongue-Tie Center to bring this service to Bozeman. We assess speech, sleep habits, gag reflex, and feeding habits, and nursing trauma to determine if tethered tissues will benefit from release.
Infant Care
Timely care can be critical, especially for newborns. We are equipped and enthusiastic to help mothers and their new babies with same day care. Discomfort while nursing, poor milk supply, poor weight gain, colic symptoms, and a baby's inability to form a good latch are all symptoms of a togue or lip tie. We are here to help you and your baby thrive and meet your feeding goals.
We do not sedate infants. Sedation is not needed, carries risk, and creates unnecessary cost. We utilize needle free local anesthetic and the procedure can be completed in a few minutes with little to no bleeding. You are welcome to stay with your child during treatment or wait in our waiting room while our compassionate staff take care of everything.
Our treatment rooms are equipped with doors so you have the privacy to nurse or bottle feed immediately after treatment is completed. We always work in conjunction with a lactation consultant and see our patients for follow-up 7 to 10 days post-op. At this follow-up visit you can ask questions, have peace of mind that your child is healing properly, and we have a chance to evaluate and celebrate the positive changes you and your baby have experienced.
Toddlers, Children, Adolescents, and Adults
As we grow, a tongue or lip tie may cause speech impairment, food aversions, disordered sleeping, food packing, orthodontic issues, and trouble with intimacy. At Hyalite Family we screen for symptoms that may indicate a tethered oral tissue should be treated. We'll walk you through the treatment process and ask you to decide if an intervention is something you desire. ​
After treatment we will work in conjunction with other healthcare providers like speech therapists or myofunctional therapists when indicated. We will provide you with home exercises to get the best possible outcome. At your one week follow-up we will evaluate healing and discuss what improvements you've observed.
If you think you or a member of your family may benefit from evaluation for tongue or lip tie correction, call us today. We can send you a screening form via email and get you added to the schedule for a consultation.